Hail, rain, sun & muffin

This picture was the best part of the day. About 2c at 4pm as we stood in the lavender garden of Buckfast Abbey in Devon.

We have spent 3 nights in Bickington near Newton Abbott. Friday we travelled to Kinkerswell Parish Church to see the delightful Martha Tilston whose music we have listened to for about 5 years. She has a lovely voice and good humour. The church was a small 15 century gem and with a 100 people attending it had a lovely atmosphere.

Saturday was a day at home and getting to know what it is to live in Grace. With terrible rain and cold we were glad we didn’t go anywhere. Scruumy red Thai curry for tea and snuggled under duvets to keep warm.

Sunday was sun, rain, snow and hail with a weather change about every 20 minutes. So we travelled up the road to Buckfast and the Abbey famous for its medicinal Buckfast wine.

The lovely thing about travelling in Grace to the abbey was that we could cook lunch and drink tea in Grace before going to see the wonderful stained glass windows and amazing architecture. Also it was free entry which is always good. Plus a coffee muffin in the tea room.

Back to Bickington for very cold runs at sunset, hot showers (not in Grace) and yes another red Thai curry and sticky toffee beer (yes beer). 

Where to tomorrow which is meant to feel colder than today?

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